To create a new Status List, take these steps:

  1. In the site where you want to create the Status List, click Site Actions, and then select View All Site Content. Under the All Site Content heading, click Create.
  2. On the Create page, in the Filter By: panel, click List. Then, in the main panel, click the Status List icon.
  3. Type a name for the Status List.
  4. (Optional) To enter a description, or to choose to have the list name appear in the Quick Launch panel, click More Options. Then, configure the options that you prefer.
  5. Click Create to finish creating the Status List. SharePoint Server 2010 opens the new Status List in edit mode so that you can add one or more status indicators.

Create a Web Part with Status List

You can create a special Web Part that displays a pre-defined view of a Status List. You can add indicators directly to this Web Part, and then use the Web Part on any page in your site.

To create a new Web Part with Status List, take these steps:

  1. In the site where you want to create the Web Part with Status List, in the Quick Launch panel of the default page of the Business Intelligence Center, click Dashboards,
  2. On the Dashboard: All Items page, click the Documents tab in the Library Tools group.
  3. Click New Document, and then select Web Part Page with Status List to open the property page for a new Web Part.
  4. On the property page for the new Web Part with Status List, in the Page Name section, enter a name and description for the new page. If desired, you can also enter a Page Title, which will appear as a banner title on the new Web Part page.
  5. In the Location section, select the Documents Library and Folder that will contain the new Web Part page from the matching drop down lists.
  6. (Optional) In the Create Link in Current Navigation Bar section, decide whether you want to create a link from this page to the navigation bar.
  7. In the Web part page with status list layout section, select a layout from the Layout list.
  8. In the Status Indicators section, check the radio button next to Create a status indicator list for me automatically. Alternatively, you can decide to select an existing list at a later time.
  9. Click OK to close the property page and open the new Web Part page.
    You can customize the Web Part Page with Status List. For example, you can change the type of icon that SharePoint uses to display the status of the indicator, you can create a display title for it, or you can specify the size of the Web Part. To learn how to do this, see links in the See Also section.

You are now ready to add a status indicator to the Status List in the newly created Web Part.

Add a status indicator to a Status List

The steps in this procedure assume that you have selected a previously created Status List, and that the list is in Edit mode, or that you have just created a new Status List. When you create a new list, SharePoint Server 2010 automatically opens the list in Edit mode.

  1. On the Status List toolbar, click the arrow next to New.
  2. Select an indicator type from the drop-down menu, depending on the data source for the indicator to open a property page for the new indicator.
  3. The following table contains a list of available indicator types and a short description of each type. To learn how to specify properties for a specific indicator type, click on the name of the indicator type.
Indicator Type
Shows a value based on the contents of a SharePoint list.
Shows values directly imported from an Excel Services workbook. The value can be specified by a cell address in the workbook.
Imports a selected Key Performance Indicator from a SQL Server Analysis Services cube
Shows values that are manually entered by the indicator author.
Create indicator online

SharePoint List based Status Indicator

SharePoint Server 2010 lists are great ways to track items. For example, you might create a list that shows the status of business contracts, and create a status indicator that reports the percentage of active contracts, or contracts that are complete. Lists can contain items that are part of a workflow, or report employee participation in training programs.

You can use a status indicator to track how long the issues or tasks have been open, how many are open, and what percentage of a task is complete. You can also keep track of totals, such as the amount of time that an issue has been open or the total number of sales in a region.

Note: Before you select this option, make sure the list that you want to use exists, and is in the view that you want to use...

To create a new status indicator that is based on a SharePoint list, take these steps:

  1. On the New Item page, under SharePoint List and View, in the List URL box, enter the URL of the list or library.
    Note: The SharePoint list or library must be in the same site.
  2. In the View box, select the view that contains the items you want to use in the status indicator.
  3. Under Value Calculation, select the calculation method that you want to use to calculate the goal of the status indicator. The following table describes the calculation options.
Calculation option
Number of list items
A count of the total number of items in the list.
Percentage of list items in the view where
This method calculates the percentage of items in the specified view that meet the criteria that you select.
To select a criteria, take these steps:
  • Select the name of the column from the Select column… drop-down list.
  • Select the comparison operator from the is equal to drop-down list.
  • Type the value that you want to use for comparison in the text box.
To add criteria for up to five additional columns, repeat these steps.
Calculation using all list items in the view
This method calculates the value that you select, based on values in a specified column. Select one of the following from the drop-down list: Sum, Average, Maximum, or Minimum. Then, select the column that contains the values that you want computed from the Select column… drop-down list
  1. In the Status Icon Rules section, do the following:
  2. (Optional) In the Details Link section, in the Details Page box, type the URL of the page that provides more detailed information about this indicator, such as the source list for the indicator.
  3. (Optional) in the Update Rules section, select the option that determines whether SharePoint Server 2010 updates the indicator values each time a new user opens the list, or updates the indicator values when the user manually updates the values from a menu.

Excel based Status Indicator

You can base a status indicator on data in an Excel workbook that you save or publish to your SharePoint Server 2010 site. As the data in the workbook changes, SharePoint Server 2010 automatically updates the values in the status indicator. In addition, you can display the workbook on the same Web page.

To create a new status indicator that is based on an Excel Services workbook, take these steps:

  1. On the New Item page, in the Name and Description boxes, type a name and optional description for the indicator.
  2. (Optional) In the Comments box, type any comments. For example, you might provide information to help people who are viewing the indicator understand what it represents.
  3. In the Indicator Value section, in the Workbook URL box, enter the URL of the Excel workbook that contains the data and calculations for the indicator. The Excel Services workbook must be saved in a SharePoint library that is in the same site.
  4. In the Cell Address for Indicator Value box, type the address of the cell that contains the actual value for the indicator. Alternatively, you can click the Browse button to browse the workbook that you specified by the URL in Step 3, and then select the cell that contains the values you want to use in the status indicator
  5. In the Status Icon Rules section, do the following:
  6. (Optional) In the Details Link section, in the Details Page box, type the URL of the page that provides more detailed information about this indicator, such as the source list for the indicator.
  7. (Optional) in the Update Rules section, select the option that determines whether SharePoint Server 2010 updates the indicator values each time a new user opens the list, or updates the indicator values when the user manually updates the values from a menu.

SQL Server Analysis Services based Status Indicator

SharePoint Server 2010can import KPIs from SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS), a component of SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008. A systems administrator or database analyst usually sets up these KPIs and adds the data connection file to the Data Connection library on a Business Intelligence Center site. Then, anyone with the appropriate permissions can access the database and link to the Analysis Services KPIs

SSAS enables analysts to define powerful and flexible KPIs that are based on multidimensional data. However, an SSAS KPI can be defined and managed only while working in SSAS. An analyst can use commands in SSAS to create and manage any KPI properties, such as the performance goal, the status icon, and the threshold values at which an icon changes color to indicate a change in performance status.

You can change the display name of a KPI that you import to a Status List, but you cannot change any other properties of the KPI while working in SharePoint Server 2010.

To import a KPI from SSAS, take these steps.

  1. On the New Item page, in the Data Connection box, enter the URL of the Microsoft Office data connection (.odc) file, or click the Browse button to open the Select an Asset dialog box, and navigate to the .odc file.
  2. In the Only display KPIs from display folder box, select the display folder in the Analysis Services database that contains the KPI.
  3. In the KPI List box, select the KPI you want, such as Total Revenue or Average Profit Margin.
  4. Select the Include child indicators check box to display all of the child indicators for the selected KPI. If the selected KPI has child indicators, the Status List displays the parent and child indicators in a hierarchy.
    The following illustration shows an imported KPI (Net Income) that has three child indicators (Operating Profit, Operating Expenses, and Financial Gross Margin).
  1. In the Name and Description boxes, type a name and description (optional) for the indicator.
  2. (Optional) In the Comments box, type any comments. For example, you might provide information to help people who are viewing the KPI understand what it represents.
  3. (Optional) In the Details Link section, in the Details Page box, type the URL of the page that provides more detailed information about this indicator, such as the data source for the indicator.
  4. (Optional) in the Update Rules section, select the option that determines whether SharePoint Server 2010 updates the indicator values each time a new user opens the list, or updates the indicator values when the user manually updates the values from a menu.
    Note: The Status Icon Rules for an indicator that imports an Analysis Services KPI are preset by the database analyst...

Fixed value based Status Indicator

In some situations, you might want to enter values manually for a status indicator. Perhaps the indicator is based on unstructured information such as e-mail, or you have a one-time project to track.

  1. On the New Item page, in the Name and Description boxes, type a name and optional description for the indicator.
  2. (Optional) In the Comments box, type any comments. For example, you might provide information to help people who are viewing the indicator understand what it represents.
  3. Type the numerical value of your progress so far.
  4. In the Status Icon Rules section, do the following:
By: Brady Upton | Last Updated: 2012-11-05 | Comments (1) | Related Tips: >Sharepoint

In a previous tip I explained how to insert SQL Server data into a Sharepoint list using a SSIS package. This tip will focus on creating a KPI in SharePoint to display to your end users.
A KPI (Key Performance Indicator) is a graphical representation that displays progress against a predefined measure or business goal. KPIs make it easier for end users to evaluate the amount of progress without reading a bunch of data.
We will use the sample data (see below) I used in the previous tip to create our KPI (this data is static since we imported it into Sharepoint as a separate list, so it will not report real time data)
Let's say, for example, our DBA Manager wants to upgrade all the SQL Servers to at least SQL Server 2008 R2 and wants to know how many SQL Servers are not compliant. This is a good scenario for using a KPI to display this data.

Creating the KPI

In Sharepoint, browse to the page where you want the KPI displayed and go to Site Actions > Create:
Custom Lists > KPI List:
For this example, I'll create a list called SQL Versions KPI:
Once, the KPI list is created you should see a blank list. To add a KPI, click New > Indicator using data in Sharepoint list (you can also use other data sources for KPI's):
First, give the KPI a name:
Next, point the KPI to the URL where you created the list that has the SQL Server data and choose the View that was created:
For value calculation, select one of the following:
For this example, I want to show the percentage of non-compliant servers, so I'll choose Percentage of list items in the view where...
Also, I want my results to show all SQL Servers that are compliant (SQL Server 2008 R2 or above), so I'll add the following into the where dropdowns:
Status Icons determine which icon to be used to represent the status of the indicator. For this example, my DBA manager wants 100% of my servers upgraded, so I'll select 100 for my green indicator meaning that my goal has been met. I'll choose 60% for my midpoint and everything else will be red. Note: some values will be better higher or lower depending on what you are measuring.

Additional Options

Two other options that are available are:

Details Link

Select the custom page that contains detailed information about this indicator. If no custom page is selected a default details page will be displayed when a user clicks on the indicator in the status indicator list web part.

Update Rules

Recalculate the indicator value for every viewer or manually update the value of this indicator with the Update Values link on the status indicator or on the status indicator list web part.

Viewing the KPI

After creating the KPI, you can see that 25% (3 out of 12) are SQL Server 2008 R2 or above indicating the red status symbol.
Next Steps

Last Updated: 2012-11-05

About the author
Brady Upton is a Database Administrator and SharePoint superstar in Nashville, TN.
View all my tips
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